Interactive Session 2: Music Psychology and Performing Musicians

Time:14:15 - 16:15
Location:Université de Montréal


  • “Music Psychology and Performing Musicians: a Dialogue”



This session will review how music psychology experiments provide valuable insight for performing musicians; as well as how issues stemming from musical performance provide valuable topics for experimental research. After reviewing projects derived from and informing Schutz’s own work as percussion soloist and director of the McMaster University Percussion Ensemble, the session will move to break-out groups focused on brainstorming performance-relevant research on the following three topics: (1) how the movements used by performers change the way their music “sounds.” (2) how formal study and assessment of practice strategies can improve our practice. (3) how to formally assess the effect of a performer’s interpretation on audiences responses to new works. Together these topics will provide a fruitful basis for exploring new of relevance to both the scientific study of music, as well as its artistic practice.