Interactive Session 5: EDI approaches of audio engineering and production

Time:15:00 - 16:30
Location:McGill University


  • EDI approaches of audio engineering and production to enhance music technology partnerships



Based on an overview of recent and on-going projects that I have carried out with CIRMMT members, I will invite the session participants to consider three directions for potential collaborations that could benefit from my expertise. First, I would like to focus on the impact of involving non-academic professional musicians coming from diverse cultural backgrounds in partnerships that aim at analysing their creative processes and/or designing technology that could best meet their artistic vision and social identity (Pras et al., 2021). Second, the purpose of the exchanges will be to bridge gaps between audio engineering and music technology to develop useful applications with a high level of sound quality (Bauer et al., forthcoming). Last, I will encourage attendees to learn and apply feminist and de-colonizing theories to the framework and methods of studies whose fields and disciplines are rooted in patriarchal structures (Brooks et al., 2021) and/or European concepts of modernity and innovation.