Interactive Session 8: Creative Later-Life in a Digital Age

Time:09:00 - 10:30
Location:McGill University


  • Creative Later-Life in a Digital Age: Mobilizing technology for inclusive later-life musical learning, participation and creativity



This panel focuses on how technology may be mobilized in order to maximize equitable access in later life to creative musical expression and learning amongst older adults. It aims to foster inclusive pedagogical approaches that exploit technology to support lifelong learning and creative expression, and will be based on previous research that will serve as a springboard to the group session.

Positioned within gerontechnology (concerned with the role of technology for enhancing later life), our participatory action research (PAR) was organised around ten case study later life contexts. Results have revealed older adults’ openness to exploration of technology as a vehicle for creative expression through collaborative, exploratory musical activities. Moments of significant interpersonal connection through music were mediated by a range of music technologies. Participants demonstrated the capacity for creative expression and musical development using iPad Apps, electronic instruments, motion sensor technologies, and online platforms.