Makis Solomos

Makis Solomos

Professor of Musicology

University Paris 8, France


Makis Solomos was born in Greece and now lives in France, working as Professor of Musicology at the Université Paris 8 and as director of the research team MUSIDANSE. He has published many books and articles about new music, and he is one of the main international specialists of Xenakis’ music. His book From Music to Sound: The Emergence of Sound in 20th- and 21st-Century Music (Routledge, 2019) examines how new music brought about a change of paradigm — a mutation — on listening, moving from a culture centred on the note to a culture of sound. His new book Towards an Ecology of Sound: The Living World, the Mental and the Social in Today’s Music, Sound Art and Artivisms (Routledge, 2023) deals with an enlarged notion of ecology for music and sound, mixing environmental issues and socio-political questions. He co-organized, the Xenakis22: Centenary International Symposium and he is the editor of Révolutions Xenakis (Éditions de l’Œil – Philharmonie de Paris, 2022).

At the conference

Coming soon!