Amandine Pras

York University, UK


Amandine Pras is leading the MA in Music Production at the University of York, UK. Since graduating from the Tonmeister program at the Paris Conservatoire, she has worked as a freelance audio engineer and record producer on projects ranging from free jazz, classical and popular music, through to electroacoustic and experimental music. Her PhD thesis (McGill/CIRMMT) focused on the varied practices of creating musical recordings in the digital era. Her last postdoctoral residency (New School for Social Research in New York) was an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural case study in West Bengal (India) with renown improvisers from the New York alternative jazz scene and from the Kolkata North-Indian classical music scene. Committed to find solutions to de-gender and de-colonize the field of audio, her current collaborations include the West African Audio Network in parallel to AFRINUM at Centre Georg Simmel, EHESS Paris; and AUDIO+ at the University of Victoria, BC.

At the conference